Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Eighteen Weeks, Little Sister Sophie

Well, I’m about half way through my second trimester… and just about at the half way point of this pregnancy (give or take a couple weeks).  I can hardly believe it.  The second pregnancy really does go by faster… much faster!

I realize I have a little catching up to do on my blog, but as most of you already know, we’re having another little girl.

Bows, and ribbons, and pink, oh my.  Ella is going to have a little sister.

We were lucky enough to find out gender a few weeks ago, and have “Girl” confirmed today.  Big sister Ella was so excited to see her little sister Sophie on the big monitor in the ultrasound room.  She pointed and she giggled, and Mommy and Daddy soaked it all in.  It was such a great family-of-four moment.

Little Sister Sophie at 18-Weeks

As for my pregnancy, I am doing much-much better and feeling pretty good.  I’m eating… a lot and my bump is growing… a lot.  [Hmm, I wonder if there’s any correlation there.  Nah!]  Speaking of food and eating though, I have had a few cravings.  The one craving that seems to be sticking is anything citrus-y-- I have current obsession with anything lemon and also grapefruit with salt.

16-Week Baby Bump

I know that Little Sister Sophie will be here before we know it.  And while I am beyond excited for her arrival, I am also going to try and really soak in all that the next few months has in store for our little family.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pumpkin Pickin' and Festivities

Have I mentioned that I love me a pumpkin patch?  I do.  I’m not sure what it is, but there is just something about a pumpkin patch that makes me feel like a kid.  So, its only natural that we started Miss Ella’s Halloween festivities at the pumpkin patch.  And I knew just where to go…

Last year we found our family’s go-to patch, Tanaka Farms in Irvine.  This place has it all:  Pumpkin (and vegetable) picking from the vine, a corn maze, a hay maze, a pumpkin launch, three petting zoos and tons of other activities.

Rows Upon Rows of Pumpkins

This year, at [almost] two, Ella was all about the pumpkin pickin’.  It made me so proud.  She must have picked up at least half a dozen pumpkins.  After browsing the rows upon rows of pumpkins we narrowed it down to one and here is this year’s pick:

Miss Ella's Pumpkin Pick

Then it was off to the corn maze where Miss Ella and her cousins led Daddy and Uncle Garrett through the tall circles of corn.  They were such great little leaders and were out in no time.  After the corn maze we walked over to the petting zoo where the kiddos got to play with the goat and sheep.  They even got to pet an alpaca. 

The Cousin Corn Maze

The trip to Tanaka Farms was a success… and the perfect start to this year’s Halloween festivities.

·  ·  ·  ·  ·

Fast forward a few days from pumpkin picking and it was time to decorate.  So, Miss Ella and I invited a few of our Mommy-and-Me friends over for some good ol’ fashion pumpkin decorating.  This was Ella’s first time decorating a pumpkin-- She painted and put stickers on her pumpkin, and ate gummy bears. 

The girls played and the mommies enjoyed hot cider and pumpkin muffins.  It was a pretty great combo.  I would say this was a success too, and a definite new tradition at the Daily’s.

My Pumpkin and Her Pumpkin

Saturday, October 19, 2013

CHOC Walk 2013: Our Second Annual

On Sunday, October 13, 2013 we walked in our second ever CHOC Walk in the Park.  There were many returning supporters and quite a few new faces on Team Ella Kate Daily.  Twenty loved ones, family and friends, joined us in support of our little Miss Ella, and many more donated to the great cause.  We are so blessed to have such a great group of family and friends.  Your support means so much to our family. 

Team Ella Kate Daily, 2013
Walkers:  Laura Butler, Leslie Butler Rorie Camarena, Garrett Daily, Joe Fink, Ronnie Gutierrez, Damien Hitt, Eric Hitt, Nichole Hitt, Theresa Hitt, Karen Norman, Lyla Stec, Mike Steck, Joy Swift, Nate Swift, Spencer Swift, Steve Swift,
Mom, Dad and Miss Minnie Ella

This is an event that our family is truly honored to participate in.  This walk is a great reminder of two things:  One, being that our family is one of the “lucky” ones [so hold Ella a little tighter and give her an extra squeeze], and two being that there are so many little ones that deserve the support this walk provides.  #CHOCWalk

Monday, September 16, 2013

Trimester One, Baby Two

First trimester, done!  Twenty-eight weeks to go.  And I’m feeling…

Better.  I feel like I am slowly climbing out of this hole that I have been in for the last eight or so weeks:  The migraines are just headaches, the dizziness has slowed, and the nausea/dry-heaving has stopped.  I kind of feel human again.

 12 Week Baby Bump

As for baby, s/he is doing great!  Our 12-week check up showed that baby is developing just fine.  We even got to hear baby’s heartbeat-- The best sound any expecting parent will hear is the sound of their baby’s heartbeat!  That’s a fact.  Also pretty amazing, Ella got to help the technician (again!) find the baby’s heartbeat… and rub jelly all over Mommy’s belly.  The simple joys in life.

The appointment really put things into perspective for me.  Sure I may not be feeling the best lately, but who cares?  It’s a really small sacrifice for such a wonderful blessing.  I can’t take back all the whining that I’ve been doing lately.  I can’t even promise that there will be no more whining in the future [Sorry Ryan, not likely], but I can promise to remind myself of what a miracle this entire experience is.  Hopefully that reminder will limit the whiney-little-girl-syndrome that I have had lately.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Our Love Story: Ten Years in the Making

This month we celebrate our four-year wedding anniversary and also the ten-year anniversary of the beginning-- The beginning of “Our Little Love Story”.  So in honor of this month, I thought I would share our story.

“First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage”

That pretty much sums it up, almost… Only our story started off just a little different:  First came friendship.  This is something that I <3 about our relationship-- Before all else, we were friends.  We had a foundation, a starting point.  Something solid to build on.

We were twelve years old.  Little did I know that I would be meeting my future husband in seventh grade Science.  Our love story didn’t start there though.  It took a few years, but ironically enough, it was again in Science class (Mr. People’s class to be exact) where our love story starts.  And the first ten years go a little something like this:

10 Years Ago ··· Boy sits next to girl in class.  Boy and girl do homework.  Together.
Boy asks girl, “Will you be my girlfriend?”  Girl says, “Yes”.

9 Years Ago ··· Boy and girl dance at Senior prom then they graduate.  Together.

Boy and girl grow into young adults.  Together.

5 Years Ago ··· Boy asks girl, “Will you marry me?”  Girl says, “Yes”.

4 Years Ago ··· Boy and girl marry.  They buy a house.  Together.

1 Year Ago (Almost 2) ··· Boy and girl start a family.  Together.

Our Family, 2012

It’s a simple story, but it’s all ours.  It’s the story that we get to share with our children.  It’s the story that tucks us in at night.  It’s a story I’m really proud to tell.  From something as simple as doing Science homework to as big as sharing life’s milestones, we have done it together.  He’s always been by my side.

Senior Prom, 2005  ···   Nevada City Vacation, 2009

I couldn’t be prouder to call him my Husband, the father of my children, and my best friend.  He’s one special guy and I’m lucky to call him my own.

My Husband, Father of My Children and Best Friend

I may not know how the next chapters of our story will read, but I do know that it will all be…

... Together.

Happy Anniversary, Boy!

Monday, September 2, 2013

EveryDaily August: The Month Recapped

August was here one day, and gone the next!  The month went by in a blink of an eye--  I didn’t even get a chance to blog.  And trust me, there was a lot going on in August for the Dailys.  Here’s the gist of it:

Ella Kate ··· Her entire month has been about baby!  She has learned how to say and sign “baby.”  She knows where baby is, in Mommy’s belly.  She even gives her baby hugs and kisses just about everyday.  It melts my heart.  She melts my heart.

Baby #2 ··· I had my very first prenatal visit for Baby #2 this month.  Baby is healthy and scheduling cuddles for March 30, 2014.  The three of us are very excited!

Hubby ··· Is working harder than ever (if that’s even possible).  The last month for business has been overwhelming… in a good way.  He is expanding the business and taking on new ventures.  And in true Daily-fashion, it’s all hitting at once.  He’s taking it in strides and I couldn’t be prouder of him!

Then there is me, and to be perfectly honest, August has kicked my butt-- In more than one way.  First, I started working part-time: A new venture, working with Ryan, in an industry I know zero about… and a one year old in tow.  [Insert butt-kicking].  It has been a very big transition for me in many ways.  While I still get to spend time with Ella (she goes to work with us), its just not the same as being a stay-at-home-Mommy with her.  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss being at home with her full-time, but I’d also be lying if I said that it doesn’t feel good to have some responsibility outside the house.  Plus, Ella gets to see her Daddy more often… plus Uncle Garret and Pappi too.  The perks of a family business!

As if that hasn’t been enough of a butt-kicking for me, baby has decided to dish out a little bit of his/her own.  At the risk of sounding like a Negative-Nancy, I will tell you, I have been feeling pretty terrible.  Just about all day, everyday: 
Migraines.  Dizziness.  Nausea.  Dry-Heaving.
And all while chasing after a one year old.  It has knocked me on my bottom and turned me into a whiney little girl, just ask my Husband.  It will pass soon enough though, right?  It has to!  At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

So there you have it, this was our August (not including our short trip to Las Vegas, a little photo-op for Ella and a family yard sale).  I feel like we each had our own little transitions this month.  Ella with the idea of becoming a big sister, Daddy with more work and bigger opportunities, me with going back to work (even if only part-time), and all of us with preparing for a new addition.  But that’s usually how it goes for us, we can never do one big thing at a time.  It’s always got to be a handful at a time.  Summed up it doesn’t seem like so much, but trust me, we’ve got our hands full at the moment.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.  #ProudOfMyLittleFamily

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Daily News: Our Family is Growing!

Extra, extra, read all about it! The Daily’s have some very big news…

Our Family is Growing
Baby Daily #2 Coming March 2014

That’s right, Ella is going to be a big sister.  And, our little (growing) family could not be any more excited to share the good news.  Ryan and I are not very good secret keepers and trying to keep this on the hush-hush has been, well, impossible.

The original plan was to tell our families after the first doctor’s appointment-- That plan lasted a whopping two hours.  Then the plan was to share the news with you all after the first appointment-- That plan lasted a whole two days.  It’s just such a blessing that it has been too hard for us not to share with our loved ones.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy 18-Month Birthday Ella Kate

Eighteen months is a very big milestone.  Sure, it’s not technically a birthday, but maybe it should be.  At 18-months, you get the very first glance of your toddler.  Not a baby, not yet a little girl.  It’s an important milestone and I want to document it.

18-Months, Going on Eighteen

Happy 18-Month Birthday Ella Kate

···  The Stats  ···  Weight:  24 lbs 9.5 oz  /  Height:  33”

··· Her [Current] Favorites ···  Playing Outside · Smelling Flowers
Swimming · Reading Books · Cottage Cheese · Blueberries
“Ella” · “Seriously” · “No” · “Ouch” · “Apple”
Phones & Remotes · Books · Purses

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

2013 CHOC Walk: Team Ella Kate Daily

We are so proud to support such a wonderful organization, an organization that has supported our family (and continues to support us) through one of our most trialing journeys.  CHOC is an organization that holds a very near and dear place in our hearts.

Since this is a relatively new blog allow me to fill you in on Ella’s background and our relationship with CHOC:

When Ella was about one month little we were told that our baby had tested positive for Cystic Fibrosis (CF).  We were immediately put in contact with CHOC and assigned to a case-worker within their Pulmonary Clinic.  After our first appointment and a few tests later, Ella received a diagnosis of:  Cystic Fibrosis Metabolic Syndrome (CFMS).  What does that mean?  Well, it means that she has genetic mutations on both CF genes, but currently shows no signs of the disease (and may never).  Her specific mutations are extremely rare, which also means that we still have a lot of questions-- Making CHOC our go-to place for any of those questions.  For 17-months the Pulmonary team at CHOC has provided our family with an amazing support system.  We are, and will forever be, thankful to them for all that they have done for our little family.

And that is why we know this is a cause worth supporting!

So, on that note, please join our family and team Ella Kate Daily at the 2013 CHOC Walk.  All team registrations, sponsorships and donations go directly to the CHOC Foundation.

You can read more about our journey with CHOC in older blog posts at:  A Daily Home

Monday, July 1, 2013

Ella the Little Mermaid-Fishy

Ella the Little Red-Riding Hood Fishy

Ella started swim at The Plunge in Brea, again!  They have a really great program there and we have been looking forward to it for a long time now.

She was such a little mermaid last year that swimming was number one priority on this year’s Summer to-do list.  We’ve completed one (of at least three) two-week sessions and I just cannot get enough of my little mermaid.

My little mermaid is:
Blowing Bubbles · Bobbing for Rings · Tunnel Swimming
Jumping from the Side · Kickers · and…

… The Diving Board

Lets clarify something really quick-- She was NOT dropped!  She was gently guided to the lifeguard who was awaiting her in the pool.

I <3 My Little Mermaid-Fishy

Monday, June 24, 2013

Happy Summer 2013

Where is this year going?  Is it really already Summer?  It sure is.

While there were a few things left unchecked on my Spring 2013 list, there were two things that were a must in getting prepared for Summer:  Backyard shenanigans, and Spring cleaning (the garage to be exact).

It has all been a labor of love!  We started by demoing a workshop attached to our garage (it was a disaster of a room). About 300 sq ft of ten inch concrete, three truck and trailer trips to the dump and countless hours we finally had our blank canvas.  And once it was down we decided that it would make for a perfect playground.  We’ve been really excited about this project.  Let’s call it:  Project Playground

We’re about 90% complete (just waiting for the grass to go in and a couple minor touches).  She has a mini swing set, a big-girl slide, a Tic-Tac-Toe and plenty of flowers to smell.  The girl loves to smell the flowers.  It's been a really great family project for us all.

Mommy and Daddy even got a fire pit.  Don’t worry though it’s at the opposite end of the backyard.  Summer is going to be good.  Life is good.

Oh, and the garage got cleaned too.  It wasn’t quite the death of me, but almost.  And with all this done, it’s time to just enjoy summer… and maybe start barbequing a little.  Happy Summer!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A. Daily Kitchen: Baked Chicken Nuggets

I think a recipe post is overdue.  Way overdue. I’ve given this some thought and I want the first recipe “back” to be one of our family’s favorites.  And I know just the recipe:  Baked Chicken Nuggets.

Told You, Kid Friendly

Baked Chicken Nuggets ···

1.5 Lbs Chicken Breast, Cubed
1+ Cup Sour Cream and Onion Chips, Crumbled
1 Cup Baked Sour Cream and Onion Chips, Crumbled
1 Tbs. Grated Parmesan Cheese
Dash of Kosher Salt
1 Large Egg
1-2 Tbs. Milk

Parchment Paper

Preheat Oven to 375°

In a medium bowl, mix both crumbs, cheese, and salt together.  Set aside.

In a small bowl, whisk egg and milk.

Coat each cubed chicken in your egg mixture, then roll each piece in the crumb mixture until completely covered.

Bake on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet for 15-18 minutes or until golden brown on top.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Ella <3’s these!  She eats them faster than I can refill her plate.  The bonus, I don’t even feel guilty because they’re baked.  This really is a great family recipe.  #PerfectToddlerRecipe