Monday, September 16, 2013

Trimester One, Baby Two

First trimester, done!  Twenty-eight weeks to go.  And I’m feeling…

Better.  I feel like I am slowly climbing out of this hole that I have been in for the last eight or so weeks:  The migraines are just headaches, the dizziness has slowed, and the nausea/dry-heaving has stopped.  I kind of feel human again.

 12 Week Baby Bump

As for baby, s/he is doing great!  Our 12-week check up showed that baby is developing just fine.  We even got to hear baby’s heartbeat-- The best sound any expecting parent will hear is the sound of their baby’s heartbeat!  That’s a fact.  Also pretty amazing, Ella got to help the technician (again!) find the baby’s heartbeat… and rub jelly all over Mommy’s belly.  The simple joys in life.

The appointment really put things into perspective for me.  Sure I may not be feeling the best lately, but who cares?  It’s a really small sacrifice for such a wonderful blessing.  I can’t take back all the whining that I’ve been doing lately.  I can’t even promise that there will be no more whining in the future [Sorry Ryan, not likely], but I can promise to remind myself of what a miracle this entire experience is.  Hopefully that reminder will limit the whiney-little-girl-syndrome that I have had lately.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Our Love Story: Ten Years in the Making

This month we celebrate our four-year wedding anniversary and also the ten-year anniversary of the beginning-- The beginning of “Our Little Love Story”.  So in honor of this month, I thought I would share our story.

“First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage”

That pretty much sums it up, almost… Only our story started off just a little different:  First came friendship.  This is something that I <3 about our relationship-- Before all else, we were friends.  We had a foundation, a starting point.  Something solid to build on.

We were twelve years old.  Little did I know that I would be meeting my future husband in seventh grade Science.  Our love story didn’t start there though.  It took a few years, but ironically enough, it was again in Science class (Mr. People’s class to be exact) where our love story starts.  And the first ten years go a little something like this:

10 Years Ago ··· Boy sits next to girl in class.  Boy and girl do homework.  Together.
Boy asks girl, “Will you be my girlfriend?”  Girl says, “Yes”.

9 Years Ago ··· Boy and girl dance at Senior prom then they graduate.  Together.

Boy and girl grow into young adults.  Together.

5 Years Ago ··· Boy asks girl, “Will you marry me?”  Girl says, “Yes”.

4 Years Ago ··· Boy and girl marry.  They buy a house.  Together.

1 Year Ago (Almost 2) ··· Boy and girl start a family.  Together.

Our Family, 2012

It’s a simple story, but it’s all ours.  It’s the story that we get to share with our children.  It’s the story that tucks us in at night.  It’s a story I’m really proud to tell.  From something as simple as doing Science homework to as big as sharing life’s milestones, we have done it together.  He’s always been by my side.

Senior Prom, 2005  ···   Nevada City Vacation, 2009

I couldn’t be prouder to call him my Husband, the father of my children, and my best friend.  He’s one special guy and I’m lucky to call him my own.

My Husband, Father of My Children and Best Friend

I may not know how the next chapters of our story will read, but I do know that it will all be…

... Together.

Happy Anniversary, Boy!

Monday, September 2, 2013

EveryDaily August: The Month Recapped

August was here one day, and gone the next!  The month went by in a blink of an eye--  I didn’t even get a chance to blog.  And trust me, there was a lot going on in August for the Dailys.  Here’s the gist of it:

Ella Kate ··· Her entire month has been about baby!  She has learned how to say and sign “baby.”  She knows where baby is, in Mommy’s belly.  She even gives her baby hugs and kisses just about everyday.  It melts my heart.  She melts my heart.

Baby #2 ··· I had my very first prenatal visit for Baby #2 this month.  Baby is healthy and scheduling cuddles for March 30, 2014.  The three of us are very excited!

Hubby ··· Is working harder than ever (if that’s even possible).  The last month for business has been overwhelming… in a good way.  He is expanding the business and taking on new ventures.  And in true Daily-fashion, it’s all hitting at once.  He’s taking it in strides and I couldn’t be prouder of him!

Then there is me, and to be perfectly honest, August has kicked my butt-- In more than one way.  First, I started working part-time: A new venture, working with Ryan, in an industry I know zero about… and a one year old in tow.  [Insert butt-kicking].  It has been a very big transition for me in many ways.  While I still get to spend time with Ella (she goes to work with us), its just not the same as being a stay-at-home-Mommy with her.  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss being at home with her full-time, but I’d also be lying if I said that it doesn’t feel good to have some responsibility outside the house.  Plus, Ella gets to see her Daddy more often… plus Uncle Garret and Pappi too.  The perks of a family business!

As if that hasn’t been enough of a butt-kicking for me, baby has decided to dish out a little bit of his/her own.  At the risk of sounding like a Negative-Nancy, I will tell you, I have been feeling pretty terrible.  Just about all day, everyday: 
Migraines.  Dizziness.  Nausea.  Dry-Heaving.
And all while chasing after a one year old.  It has knocked me on my bottom and turned me into a whiney little girl, just ask my Husband.  It will pass soon enough though, right?  It has to!  At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

So there you have it, this was our August (not including our short trip to Las Vegas, a little photo-op for Ella and a family yard sale).  I feel like we each had our own little transitions this month.  Ella with the idea of becoming a big sister, Daddy with more work and bigger opportunities, me with going back to work (even if only part-time), and all of us with preparing for a new addition.  But that’s usually how it goes for us, we can never do one big thing at a time.  It’s always got to be a handful at a time.  Summed up it doesn’t seem like so much, but trust me, we’ve got our hands full at the moment.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.  #ProudOfMyLittleFamily