Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Eighteen Weeks, Little Sister Sophie

Well, I’m about half way through my second trimester… and just about at the half way point of this pregnancy (give or take a couple weeks).  I can hardly believe it.  The second pregnancy really does go by faster… much faster!

I realize I have a little catching up to do on my blog, but as most of you already know, we’re having another little girl.

Bows, and ribbons, and pink, oh my.  Ella is going to have a little sister.

We were lucky enough to find out gender a few weeks ago, and have “Girl” confirmed today.  Big sister Ella was so excited to see her little sister Sophie on the big monitor in the ultrasound room.  She pointed and she giggled, and Mommy and Daddy soaked it all in.  It was such a great family-of-four moment.

Little Sister Sophie at 18-Weeks

As for my pregnancy, I am doing much-much better and feeling pretty good.  I’m eating… a lot and my bump is growing… a lot.  [Hmm, I wonder if there’s any correlation there.  Nah!]  Speaking of food and eating though, I have had a few cravings.  The one craving that seems to be sticking is anything citrus-y-- I have current obsession with anything lemon and also grapefruit with salt.

16-Week Baby Bump

I know that Little Sister Sophie will be here before we know it.  And while I am beyond excited for her arrival, I am also going to try and really soak in all that the next few months has in store for our little family.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pumpkin Pickin' and Festivities

Have I mentioned that I love me a pumpkin patch?  I do.  I’m not sure what it is, but there is just something about a pumpkin patch that makes me feel like a kid.  So, its only natural that we started Miss Ella’s Halloween festivities at the pumpkin patch.  And I knew just where to go…

Last year we found our family’s go-to patch, Tanaka Farms in Irvine.  This place has it all:  Pumpkin (and vegetable) picking from the vine, a corn maze, a hay maze, a pumpkin launch, three petting zoos and tons of other activities.

Rows Upon Rows of Pumpkins

This year, at [almost] two, Ella was all about the pumpkin pickin’.  It made me so proud.  She must have picked up at least half a dozen pumpkins.  After browsing the rows upon rows of pumpkins we narrowed it down to one and here is this year’s pick:

Miss Ella's Pumpkin Pick

Then it was off to the corn maze where Miss Ella and her cousins led Daddy and Uncle Garrett through the tall circles of corn.  They were such great little leaders and were out in no time.  After the corn maze we walked over to the petting zoo where the kiddos got to play with the goat and sheep.  They even got to pet an alpaca. 

The Cousin Corn Maze

The trip to Tanaka Farms was a success… and the perfect start to this year’s Halloween festivities.

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Fast forward a few days from pumpkin picking and it was time to decorate.  So, Miss Ella and I invited a few of our Mommy-and-Me friends over for some good ol’ fashion pumpkin decorating.  This was Ella’s first time decorating a pumpkin-- She painted and put stickers on her pumpkin, and ate gummy bears. 

The girls played and the mommies enjoyed hot cider and pumpkin muffins.  It was a pretty great combo.  I would say this was a success too, and a definite new tradition at the Daily’s.

My Pumpkin and Her Pumpkin

Saturday, October 19, 2013

CHOC Walk 2013: Our Second Annual

On Sunday, October 13, 2013 we walked in our second ever CHOC Walk in the Park.  There were many returning supporters and quite a few new faces on Team Ella Kate Daily.  Twenty loved ones, family and friends, joined us in support of our little Miss Ella, and many more donated to the great cause.  We are so blessed to have such a great group of family and friends.  Your support means so much to our family. 

Team Ella Kate Daily, 2013
Walkers:  Laura Butler, Leslie Butler Rorie Camarena, Garrett Daily, Joe Fink, Ronnie Gutierrez, Damien Hitt, Eric Hitt, Nichole Hitt, Theresa Hitt, Karen Norman, Lyla Stec, Mike Steck, Joy Swift, Nate Swift, Spencer Swift, Steve Swift,
Mom, Dad and Miss Minnie Ella

This is an event that our family is truly honored to participate in.  This walk is a great reminder of two things:  One, being that our family is one of the “lucky” ones [so hold Ella a little tighter and give her an extra squeeze], and two being that there are so many little ones that deserve the support this walk provides.  #CHOCWalk